Josue Martinez

38690 N Burr Oak Lane · Wadsworth, Il 60083 · 224.713.4004 ·

An enthusiatic person who likes a challenge in front or back end web development. Enjoys experimenting with UI/UX, solving problems, and connecting the pieces together.


Color Palette Demo in React

Notable technologies used to build this: react, react-router-dom, material-ui, and chroma-js.

Github Demo

Post-Blog React Demo

Built a React Front End Web App with a pre-existing REST API web server. Modeled it as a Single Page Application and understanding how to use React to give user a good experience. Notable technologies were Axios, React, react-router-dom, and react-moment.

Github Demo

Profile Site

Demonstrates ability to design and build UI websites, and integrate JS, SCSS, or SASS packages if needed. Used Bootstrap framework to make mobile friendly. Applied other plugins when necessary. Notable technologies used were Bootstrap, AOS, SCSS, Typewriter, Pug, Grunt, and Gulp.

Dynamic Web App Demo

Demo App that demonstrates ability to design and build dynamic web apps for the internet. Integrate API's and using REST software architectural style and is mobile friendly. Notable technologies used are: ejs, googlesapis, node-geocoder, passport, cloudinary, and nodemailer.

Github Demo

Salesforce Custom App

Shows the ability to analyze, design, and build Models, Validations, Workflows, and Processes. Customize existing standard Apps, Objects, and Fields or create them from scratch. Also administrative work such as building reports, dashboards, or making new users, and profiles.

Database Designs in MySQL, and PostgreSQL

Worked with Java and PostgreSQL to practice and build databases and queries for a Movie Rental Database. Involved up to 8 tables and working with the concepts of nested queries, procedures, triggers, JOINS, and the relationships between tables.

Then worked with Node.js with mySQL just to see the difference syntactically of how to connect with different databases with different languages.

Small Demos

Note App

Notable technologies used to build this: react and material-ui.

Github Demo

Simple Pokemon Game

Simple game that retrieves data from PokeAPI for two teams of 4 pokemon. Technologies used: Axios, react-card-flipper, react, and chroma-js.

Github Demo

Dice Roller Game

Simple Dice Game when starting to learn React

Github Demo


Another game built in React. Simple game with many moving parts to keep track. Specifically when the state of the game is rolling need to make sure most components can not be clicked to not break. Only notable technology used is React.

Github Demo

Lights Out

Another game demo about the game Lights Out. Mainly built just to get a better handling of the concepts of React.

Github Demo

To Do List

App that is similar to Note Application App but in a list concept. Notable technologies used are just React and UUID.

Github Demo

Material-UI List

App is similar to the To Do List App. Learned to reorganize code with new React features hooks, contexts, and reducers. Minimize pass down values through components. Notable technologies just React and Material-UI.

Github Demo

Jokes App

Simple Jokes Application that interacts with a Joke API server to get random jokes. Notable technologies besides React is just Axios.

Github Demo

Hangman Game

Just a simple hangman game. Made a little complicated and introduced 3rd-party API to get random words. Notable technologies are just React and Axios.

Github Demo

Login Example

Simple React Components for login screen. Used built-in features context and hooks to minimize code. Notable technologies are just React and Material-UI.

Github Demo

Education & Certifications

Dec 2019

Certified Administrator

April 2019

Certified Associate ORACLE Java SE 8

Grad 2007

University of Illinois at Chicago

Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering
  • Studied CPU, Memory architecture, and Logic circuit design
  • Studied Computer Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Enjoyed teaching others in mathematics and generic concepts OOP and Functional Programming


Programming Languages & Tools


  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Strong Multi-task, Communication, Analytical, Design & Implementation skills
  • Build & Design: Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Models
  • Bilingual English & Spanish


Looking to build and grow with a team of like-minded individuals in web development. I like learning new technologies in back-end and front-end web development and currently learning how to work with Next.

When not studying or building web app demos, I like to spend time with family and friends. In the summer I play soccer and go to any festivals in the Chicagoland area. During the winter and this COVID-19 pandemic we are in, I enjoy practicing and playing the cello and bass guitar.